INSTALLATION ------------ 1. Place the files WPCLOCK.EXE and WPCLOCK.HLP in a directory of your choice, for example C:\WPCLOCK 2. In the Windows program manager (or desktop manager you are using), add a program item to a group; use the 'Startup' group if you want the clock to automatically start when Windows starts. Sample specification: Description: Wall Paper Clock Command line: C:\WPCLOCK\WPCLOCK.EXE Working directory: C:\WPCLOCK Substitute the actual drive + directory where you put the files in step 1. Press OK. The 'Run Minimized' setting has no effect; the clock cannot run iconized. 3. Launch the program. The clock will initially appear at the lower right corner of the screen. Note that if the clock is sitting on top of other windows, the background will be gray, otherwise your wall paper should be showing thru the clock. 4. If your wall paper is predominantly white, the clock may be difficult to see; use the clock's setup screens to change the text color. 5. To change options (font, color, chimes, alarms, etc), see the following section. ACCESSING THE SETUP SCREENS --------------------------- Mouse Method: 1. Position the mouse over the clock. Notice that the cursor changes to a square box. 2. To access the Main setup screen, press the left mouse button. Alternately, to go directly to the Alarm setup screen, press the right mouse button. Keyboard Method: 1. Use the task manager or Alt+Tab to make the clock the foreground task. 2. To access the Main setup screen, press the 'S' key. Alternately, to go directly to the Alarm setup screen, press the 'A' key. The Chime, Font and Color setup screens can be reached from the Main setup screen. The online help file explains the screens, if necessary. NOTE ---- If you are using a automated wallpaper changer and the wallpaper behind the clock does not change, select "Help" from the clock's setup screen, search on a keyword of "Troubleshooting" and view the section on "Problems with Third Party Wallpaper Managers". UPDATE HISTORY -------------- 5/24/94 Version 1.21 Add international time/date support. For new users, the international formats are the default. Existing users may select the international formats from the clock's main setup screen. For backwards compatibility, the old time/date formats will continue to display with U.S. English separators. Those wanting separators unique to their locale should select the international formats and set the desired time/date format in the International applet of the Windows Control Panel. Add ten languages (in addition to English). This extends only to month and weekday names. Add option of auto-flushing any pending alarms when the clock starts. Auto-flush can be selected on the alarm setup screen. 5/13/94 Version 1.1 Added feature to mute the chimes during specified nighttime hours for those who leave their PC's on at night. 5/4/94 Version 1.0 Initial release. COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER ------------------------ WPCLOCK.EXE (excluding chime tunes) and WPCLOCK.HLP are written and copyright by Paul P Schaefer, CIS 76334,177. All rights reserved. WPCLOCK is freeware. It may be freely distributed so long as it is neither modified nor sold. WPCLOCK is made available on an 'as is' basis. The author makes no warranties, expressed or implied. In no way shall the author be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this software. By using this software, you agree to these terms and accept all risks.